I questioned whether to post anything about this as I do not want to trivialize this into a tourist stop. This morning we were able to visit KZX-Gedenkstatte Dachau -- Dachau Concentration Camp.
I can only say that it is an overwhelming place and one that leaves me still in shock and horror. It, however, is a place that you should see if you can. I will only post a few pictures in remembrance.
First, a thank you to all those in the armed services and their families for their sacrifices to try to prevent or rescue those from this type of horror.
There were 30 barracks for prisoners here at one time....
Entering and exiting via the infamous iron gate with the slogan Arbeit macht frei ("Work makes you free")
May the example of those who were exterminated here between 1933-1945
because they resisted Nazism help to unite the living for the defence of peace
and freedom and in respect for their fellow men
because they resisted Nazism help to unite the living for the defence of peace
and freedom and in respect for their fellow men
Being a person who cries at Hallmark commercials, I did not think I should go to Dachau. I did and am glad I did. While a somber experience, it touched me forever and when things get tough, one remembers how tough it could really be.