Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Assorted road and scenery pix!

There are so many awesome views here... with each day and each road providing a new wonderous panaroma.  As I try to post each night, sometimes it gets overwhelming trying to adequately describe the beauty of the Alps.  I can only say that Joyce was right, with every corner you turn, you "ooh" and "aah".  I'm taking the blog photos with the little camera set on its lowest setting to make sure I can easily upload photos.  On my good camera, I'm up to 500 pictures (thanks Jim for the 16 gig card!) and still have three days to go!

So here are just some random photos taken over the past three days....

and p.s. to Blogger -- thanks for letting me download the newer version that makes uploading pictures in the right location so much easier!!

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